Saturday, April 3, 2010

one more

The breeze makes the  curtain sway.
The weathered tarnished hardwood floor creeks.
As the sun sets, an oumnios darkness engulfs the room.
The dresser in the corner sits unused in years.
The bare mattress in the middle of the room lays bare.
The door creeks open.
The group of three, Kristi, Zach and Eddie

The circle they sit in is dimly light by a candle in the center.
Zach dragged them all here.
Why? A surprise.
The night was shockingly cold compared to the day.
They seamed to shrink in size in the room as the night wore on.
Zach being Zach wouldn't tell the couple he dragged her with promises of this night being the best they could ever ask for.
Finally after being in the room on the deserted house for over an hour Zach finally, starts his story:
The 70's. A normal family  of  3 lived in the small town, just barley getting by. They struggled with getting food, forget a t.v.a car. Their young daughter then didn't realize how the family had it. The were just sitting down to dinner that Thursday night. Their money troubles weight heavily on their minds. Chelsea bounced around eagerly, but stopped as if frightened. Her parents didn't noticed their minds were preoccupied. The Breaking of glass made Chelsea's parents freeze mid-sentence. Their trance was only broken by the screams of their daughter. Her mom runs to her but she's stopped by an unknown intruder. The family was brutally murdered that night.
Kristi was no where near amused with the fictional scary story.
And of course here comes the part where Zach tells them that this is the very house they were murdered in.
Right on cue, Zach whispers "and this is the very house where i took place"
Eddie gets up with a sigh, of course he would waste a perfect Saturday on this.
He helps Kristi up. and checks the time. Midnight exactly.
Now time to head home.
Zach sensed that his aduience was displeased with his story telling.
So he dared them to spend the night here.
Eddie rolled his eyes and headed for the door.
Foolishness nothing but foolishness.
Eddie and Kristi walked home hand in hand.
Zach sat in the room watching his candle dwindle.
He awakes slowly,unsure where he is.
He hears a footstep, he sits up and laughs, he knew they'd come back.
He runs eagerly to greet them.
He turns the corner. His heart drops and face turns white.
The small white thing before him simply stares back, unfazed.
He Takes a step back preparing to run.
She walks, half runs purposely towards him now.
One more soul for the house to claim.

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